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Cùmba, ø 185 cm, heigth 205 cm

An eggshaped capsule surrounded with eggboardcells. The inside decorated with motives of pregnant women, birdnests and eggs. This dome shaped capsule has room for several persons. It is one of my works inspired by motherhood in general and in which the form of the pregnant woman repeatedly occurs.

Cùmba is a ship, a timecapsule in which your train of thoughts can return to ancient feelings, the origin of being. Seated in the middle looking at the pregnant woman on the screen high above in the dome. This work of art is as ambiguous as can bee. It is about a space in a space. Just like a repeating monkish chant.
This is also the case in all my works in which the egg manifests itself in various different manners. Cùmba is the navel, literally matrix, womb.
March 27th until April 13th 2003
installation Cùmba

Vrije Akademie, Paviljoensgracht 20-24, The Hague




June 12th 2003
Workshop 'About Matrix': CKV-day at Piersoncollege Den Bosch
The theme of CKV-day (a special art introductionday for scholars) was looking for a connection between art, culture and technology, nature and science. The scholars worked under the leadership of artists. As a biological introduction Isidoor told them about the use of eggshapes in arthistory and film. Then the scholars worked on constructing the artwork 'Cùmba'.

It was placed for a week in the libary which is at the same time the multimediaroom of the Piersoncollege. Cùmba is a ship, a timecapsule in which your train of thoughts can return to ancient feelings, the origin of being. Seated in the middle looking at the pregnant woman on the screen high above in the dome. Cùmba is the navel, literally matrix, womb.